CONTENTS Foreword by Dr. Joseph Ratner iii The World Turned Upside Down: New York and Massachusetts 1 A Little Help 5 Paying Attention: Massachusetts General Hospital 9 Deep Down 16 A Less Traveled Path 23 Holding On: Intensive Care 28 Déjà Vu 32 After Silence 41 Learning to Wait: In the Land of Oz 49 Early Lessons–The Thinnest Thread: Santa Fe, New Mexico 61 The Environment Crashing In: Neurological Ward 75 Laughter, Fear, and the Rich Smell of Earth 87 Above the Woods: New England Rehabilitation Hospital, Part One 100 Daily Living: New England Rehabilitation Hospital, Part Two 115 Early Morning: New England Rehabilitation Hospital, Part Three 125 Leaving New England (“You can’t speed up time.”) 132 In the Light 145 Coming Home 153 Small Steps Back 165 Letting Go 170 A Room of His Own 178 Farewells and Celebrations 185 Company in the Dark 195 Apollo 13 198 Havana, Cuba, 2000 206 Poco a poco, 2002 and Beyond 215 Acknowledgments 219 Permissions 221 |